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Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: –Weight: –Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 20Aura: strong necromancy


A twisted blend of artifact, disease, and malign intellect, the Plaguebringer isn't so much found as contracted. Once it infects a host, Plaguebringer renders him immune to the effects of any lesser disease. Despite this immunity, the host can still spread disease; indeed, his body becomes an incubator for the countless ailments of the mortal world. When exposed to a disease, the host automatically fails any saving throw to avoid contracting it, but suffers no ill effects. The host indefinitely remains an asymptomatic carrier for any diseases caught.

Plaguebringer also grants the following abilities:

Plaguebringer is intelligent, with an Intelligence score of 15, a Wisdom of 10, and a Charisma of 20. It has a neutral evil alignment, communicates by empathy, and has an Ego of 30. It exists only to spread disease and cause suffering. It protects and aids hosts that please it. If infecting a host who resists these goals, it withholds its abilities and attempts to control the host. Plaguebringer can take a single standard or swift action on its host's turn to activate any of its powers that don't require a touch attack. It has five uses of mythic power available to expend each day. It can use its host's own mythic power by becoming dominant (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 535).

When infecting a host, it has full access to its host's senses, along with darkvision and blindsense with a range of 120 feet. When not in a host, Plaguebringer has only limited awareness, with hearing and blindsense usable to a range of 30 feet and no vision. When not infecting a host, Plaguebringer is undetectable by normal vision due to its microscopic size, though detect evil reveals its presence. It can fly at a speed of 30 feet, and can infect a new host by entering its body. If the target fails a DC 30 Fortitude save, Plaguebringer infects it and the creature gains access to the artifact's powers. If the target succeeds, Plaguebringer can't attempt to infect it again for 1 month.

Plaguebringer can leave a host by becoming dominant and choosing to leave. Immediately after it leaves, the host is affected by multiple contagion effects (DC 30), one for each of the diseases listed in the spell.


To be destroyed, Plaguebringer must first be forced or tricked into the body of an angel. The angel must then willingly sacrifice itself by dying at the heart of a star.

See also




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