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Chemical ward


Type: MundanePrice: 25 gpWeight: 1 lb.Slot: Slotless


This gray paste congeals when spread onto a surface, gradually changing color to match its surroundings. When applied, its reagents bond with chemicals in the environment, exuding a magnified aura that can fool blindsight and blindsense. This affects only blindsight or blindsense based on smell, taste, vibration, and similar senses; it does not affect extraordinary sight, hearing, or tremorsense. Applying a flask of chemical ward to the edge of a 5-foot square takes a full-round action, creating an opaque barrier against blindsense and blindsight that lasts for 1 hour. A creature can sense through the barrier with a successful Perception check (DC 15 for blindsight, 20 for blindsense), although individuals on the opposite side of the barrier can attempt Stealth checks against the creature's blindsight or blindsense as though they had concealment. The barrier does not inhibit movement.


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