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Ghost Powder


Type: Wondrous ItemPrice: 1400 gpWeight: 0.5 lbs.Slot: Slotless

Magical properties

Caster level: 7Aura: moderate abjuration


When sprinkled on the ground, this mixture of salt and powdered iron forms a barrier that is invisible and impenetrable for spirits. Ghost powder is typically found in bags or tubes, and a single dose of ghost powder can trace a line up to 50 feet in length; it can be used in 5-foot increments. Corporeal creatures can cross a line of ghost powder, but ethereal and incorporeal creatures are blocked as though the line were a wall of force. Teleportation effects can cross a line of ghost powder, as can an incorporeal creature possessing a corporeal creature. The barrier created is 10 feet high. It prevents incorporeal creatures from crossing through the floor directly beneath it, and if the barrier reaches the ceiling, it prevents them from crossing through the ceiling directly above. In addition, if ghost powder is sprinkled in front of every entrance (including chimneys, air vents, and the like) of a building, it prevents incorporeal creatures from entering the building through the walls, floor, and ceiling in their entirety. Sweeping away the ghost powder destroys the barrier, but incorporeal and ethereal creatures can't disturb the powder or affect it with their abilities unless they deal enough damage to destroy the barrier itself. When laid down quickly (up to 10 feet can be spread as a standard action), the effects of ghost powder last for 1 hour. If the powder is laid down carefully (taking 1 minute for every 5 feet), the effects last 8 hours.

Crafting requirements

Crafting cost: 700 gp

Craft Wondrous Item, anti-incorporeal shell, magic circle against evil

See also


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